Amplify Leadership Skills

Hone and expand the essential, brain-based, and improvable skills that allow you to inspire confidence, build trust, and positively influence the world around you.

What You Leave With:

  • The fundamentals of how humans communicate and how to connect with others in effective ways.

  • Tips for maximizing your unique wiring - putting your values, aptitudes, and experience to their best use

  • Ways to master Expansive Decision-making

  • Methods to create and deliver feedback, recognition, and coaching in ways that actually work

  • Key behaviors that build trust and team effectiveness

The Amplify Workshop is designed for:

  • Newly designated people, team, or project leaders

  • People preparing to step up to the next level of management.

  • Inspired team leaders within, shall we say, “challenging” cultures.

  • Anyone who wants to expand their skills to better inspire and influence the world around them.

Lead From Wherever You Are:

Lead From Wherever You Are is a framework for thinking about the way people inspire, influence and lead, whether from a position of authority, as a member of a team, or an individual who wants to help the people around them do their best work. 

There are five dimensions to the framework:

  • Define and make the most of what makes you tick.

  • Channel change into growth using the art and science of feedback that works.

  • Communicate to inspire and influence.

  • Use all of these skills to interact with people in ways that build trust.

  • Wire your brain for optimal decision making.

  • Build a plan to pracitice these tools in in your everyday life.

The Process:

We use a blend of proven leadership development tools, the current neuroscience of human interaction, the Results Coaching method, and the knowledge and experiences you bring to the program. We’ll identify and build on your real-world challenges and goals to practice the concepts.  And we’ll provide tools and support to turn what you learn into habits.  We’ll even give you tips on how to spread these ideas among colleagues, family and friends. 

The program includes six modules, each consisting of three to four chapters that include:

  • Facilitated instruction

  • Activities and reflection

  • Opportunities to apply each concept or tool to a real-world situation you encounter

  • Tools for practicing what you’ve learned and honing them as skills.

Choose Tour Pace and Delivery Method:

Man studying online leadership course outside.
Amplify: Self-Paced
One time
For 6 months

The full Amplify Workshop online, on your schedule. Each module consists of recorded, virtual instruction, additional resources, practice assignments to apply the skills to your current relationships (at work and at home), and the creation of a plan to turn your new skill into habits.

✓ Downloadable workbook and resource guide
✓ Everything DiSC® profile and online resources
✓ Access to (mostly) weekly “office hours”
✓ Discounts on one-on-one coaching sessions
Amplify: Facilitated Intensive
One time
For 2 months

Join other leaders in a facilitated, six-week program of live, virtual sessions. Each module includes six, live, two-hour virtual sessions, practice assignments to apply the skills to your current relationships (at work and at home), and the creation of a plan to turn your new skill into habits. Offered three times per year.

✓ One year access to the online modules
✓ Printed Lead From Wherever You Are workbook and guide
✓ Membership in the online community
✓ Everything DiSC® profile report and online resources
✓ Discounts on one-on-one coaching sessions
Amplify: Coached Workshop
One time
For 3 months

A mix of one-on-one coaching sessions, self-directed learning between sessions, practice assignments to apply the skills to your current relationships (at work and at home), and the creation of a plan to turn your new skill into habits.

✓ Everything in the self-paced plan, plus:
✓ Ten one-one-one coaching sessions
✓ A 60-minute booster session after three months

Bring the gang!

People learn more quickly and more efficiently in groups!

It’s more fun. You hear more perspectives. You’ve got built-in accountability.

So, gather up three or more people, and you’ll have a powerful learning cohort!

The Amplify Cohort option is great for:

  • teams inside an organization

  • peers and colleagues

  • community groups

To Find Out More:

To find out more about building a cohort for just your team, let’s chat and tailor the program to your needs.

Schedule a 30-minute, free consultation below:

✺ Frequently asked questions ✺

  • If you mean, “do I have to be in charge of other people,” absolutely not!

    We think leadership is something you do, not someone you are. Leadership is for anyone who wants to positively inspire or influence other people - and that can be at work, in your community, at home, and anyplace you want to help people do their best woirk or live their best lives.

  • Currently, there’s no official accreditation associated. But, we promise you’ll leave with some skills others will notice. And, if that’s not enough, there will be a lovely certificate of completion for you to display as needed.

  • John Alexander, who designed and facilitates this workshop, has experience, training and certification in several areas of management, coaching, and learning development. Check out the “John’s Bio” page for more detail.

  • Not yet! But the last couple of years have shown me that nothing beats in-person learning. We can definitely put together custom, in-house workshops. Click on “Schedule a Chat” or Drop Me a Line” below if you’d like to find out more.

  • We are happy to give you a full refund up until completion of your first module. (Yep! At the very least you get one module for free!) After that, we are open to discussing a sliding scale based on how much of the workshop you’re completed.